Tuesday 2 July 2013

For New Mummies or Mummies To Be

I have had a lot of questions recently from Mums who have just given birth and wanting to get rid of their baby weight as well as Mums to be who want to add in some extra healthiness into their diet.

I have been discussing this with a midwife who also works for Juice Plus+ and whilst we do recommend that you consult with your own midwife before starting the products here is some info.

If you are with child, you can still take the capsules (giving you and your baby the goodness form 26 fruit and vegetables each day) and you can even take the shakes however not as a meal replacement if you are breastfeeding.

Here are some benefits for using the Juice Plus+ Capsules and Shakes when pregnant:

Long term health
Passing goodness onto the baby when breastfeeding
Weight loss - obviously this wont be as clear as if you were using the shakes as meal replacements but you will notice a healthy difference
The healthier you are, the quicker your body will recover from the pregnancy and childbirth
Energy levels - which you will need a lot of to look after a new born!

We have had some great success stories from our Mummies, a couple which are below.

If you have recently given birth, alot of the above still applies to you. I know how important it is to get your body back to what you are used to after childbirth, for many reasons as well as just piece of mind. The Juice Plus+ Shakes and Capsules along with a healthy eating and exercise plan can really help you achieve your goal.

Pregnant pic from Nov 2012. Started Shakes/Capsules along with exercise in Feb 2013...progress from then until now. 

Mel started using the shakes 5 weeks after giving birth as she was not breastfeeding due to other medical issues. 6 weeks later she had gone from 12st 4lb to 10st 5lb! 

Amazing pics and progress from Beccy Jones below.

For questions: email, Facebook, Twitter or the Website.


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