Wednesday 31 July 2013

Meal Plan

I have been asked by one of my clients to help them put together a meal plan for a week, so I thought I would share it on here. This is based on their likes/dislikes but should give a good start to anyone looking to plan a healthier week of food. This client is on the Juice Plus+ Shakes and taking the Vineyard Capsules daily for added nutrition.

I will copy in the recipes below but please do email me with any questions

Day 1
Breakfast: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: sliced apple with peanut butter
Lunch: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: oatcakes and avocado 
Dinner: Turkey Pizzas

Day 2
Breakfast: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: banana with Greek yogurt and granola 
Lunch: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: carrots and humus
Dinner: Clean Curry

Day 3

Breakfast: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: Fruit - mixture of your choice..blueberries...satsuma..strawberries. Add Greek yogurt if you like.
Lunch: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: protein bar
Dinner: Portabello Mushrooms recipe

Day 4

Breakfast: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: banana pancake
Lunch: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: nuts and raisins 
Dinner: Salmon Fishcakes

Day 5

Breakfast: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: grapes with yogurt 
Lunch: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: cucumber and humus
Dinner: Stuffed Pepper recipe 

Day 6

Breakfast: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: watermelon
Lunch: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: grilled tomatoes (see recipe)
Dinner: Chicken with seasoning recipe

Day 7

Breakfast: Juice Plus Shake
Snack mango, melon and strawberries fruit salad
Lunch: Juice Plus Shake
Snack: roasted veg in lettuce leaf
Dinner: Fish, steamed vegetables and brown rice or boiled potatoes 

A nice dip to add to meals is a healthy guacamole made of avocado mixed with Greek yogurt. 

Drink plenty of water each day. If it starts to get boring add in squeezed lemon/lime/orange 

Mix fruit with both Juice Plus shakes each day. This way you are definitely getting more than enough fruit.

Try not to eat too late in the evening.

When appropriate, try and add to the meal/snack: garlic, tomato, avocado, kale, hemp seeds, spinach, cucumber, grapefruit, pepper as these are great things to have in your daily diet

The banana pancake is great to have, especially after exercise. It is also very filling so if you are especially hungry one day then have it as ur snack. Make sure u follow the recipe though:
Slice up a banana and brown off in frying pan. Beat together 2 eggs and then pour over the banana. Once the bottom has started to cook put under the grill. Voila!


Stuffed peppers. This has everything u need in be pepper so if u want to fill the plate out more add more veg.

Salmon Fishcakes. You can add good carbs to this if u want...boiled potatoes, sweet potato, brown rice....

Turkey pizzas.... Take a turkey breast...cover with tomato purree, out on too sliced onion, mushroom, pepper, tomato, mozzarella and sprinkle with oregano. Serve with sweet potato chips. (There is a knack to cooking the chips...I haven't quite mastered them yet...but it's all to do with slicing them to a good size and keeping an eye on them in the oven...also making sure they have enough oil)

Clean Curry:

1 large onion
6 garlic cloves roughly chopped
50g ginger roughly chopped
4 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds
5cm cinnamon stick
1 tsp chilli flakes
1tsp garam masala
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp honey
400g chopped tomatoes
8 chicken thighs, skinned, boneless (about 800g)
250ml hot chicken stock
2 tbsp chopped corriander

Roughly chop the onion, transfer to a small food processor and add 3 tablespoons of water - process to a slack paste. You could use a stick blender for this or coarsely grate the onion into a bowl (there is no need to add any water if you are grating the onion). Tip into a small bowl and leave on one side.

Put the chopped garlic and ginger into the same food processor and add 4 tbsp of water - process until smooth and spoon into another small bowl. Alternatively, crush the garlic to a paste with a knife or a gralic press and finely grate the ginger.

Heat the oil in a wok or sturdy pan set over a medium heat. Combine the cumin and fennel seeds with the cinnamon and chilli flakes and add to the pan in one go. Swirl everything around for about 30 seconds until the spices release a fragrant aroma. 

Add the onion paste - it will splutter in the beginning. Fry until the water evaporates and the onion turns to a lovely dark golden - this should take about 7-8 minutes. Add the garlic and ginger paste and cook for another 2 mins, stirring all the time.

Stir in the garam masala, turmeric and honey and continue cooking for 20 secs before tipping in the tomatoes. Continue cooking on a medium heat for about 10 mins without a lid until the tomatoes reduce and darken.

Cut the chicken thighs into 3cm chunks and add to the pan once the tomatoes have thickened to a paste. Cook for 5 mins to coast the chicken in masala and seal in the juices, and then pour over the hot chicken stock. Simmer for 8-10 mins without a lid until the chicken is tender and the masala lightly thickened. You might need to add an extra ladleful of stock or water if the curry needs it. Sprinkle with chopped coriander and serve.

Tomato Snack:

Also for making the banana pancake...
Slice up a banana and brown off in a frying pan, whilst that's browning beat together 2 eggs. Pour into frying pan. After bottom has cooked a little put under the grill. (Not sure how easy the grill part is on the Aga but if need be just fry it) 


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