Monday 8 July 2013

My Diary Update


This weekend was a big weekend for me....not only did I have a big gig (I am a performer) but it was what I was working towards with my weight loss. It nicely fell on week 8 of the Juice Plus+ Plan and I had managed to loose a stone and a half. I am SO happy and it really has made such a difference to everything!

I have a confession celebrate this achievement I had planned a big naughty meal on Saturday evening...which I went to town on! It started with dough balls...then went on to pizza...then I cant even remember the pudding (a lot of drink was involved) So it was VERY naughty!

As much as I did really enjoy this meal (best pizza I've ever had!) and I felt I deserved do I feel rough now! I feel so bloated and just dirty!!! I'm looking in the mirror thinking...what have I done?

But it doesn't matter...a bit of fun every now and then is surely acceptable! And I have been so good and dedicated on weeks was my only naughty spell...I deserved it.

I now can't WAIT to get back to healthy body is crying for it! I am starting the second 8 week plan today so going down to 1 shake a day and 2 healthy meals. I would still like to loose a further stone so am going to really up my exercise plan and also really concentrate on the good foods...especially this week...I feel like I need a clear out!

Am so pleased to hear I am also helping other people. Lots of my Juice Plus+ clients have been texting me today telling me their weight loss so far and also commenting on how different they feel. It's a great feeling to not only be helping yourself, but helping others too.

Happy Happy Happy! And Healthy Healthy Healthy! (minus the pizza!)

Have a happy healthy week

Rachael : )

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