Tuesday 16 July 2013

Setting Goals


I have a had a bit of a naughty couple of weeks...well! To be fair...I have been relatively good but just had a couple of weekends or odd days of naughtiness! What I have found hard is that before I was working towards a target. I had a gig (I'm a performer) which I wanted to be at a smaller size for, which also fitted in perfectly with the first 8 week cycle. However since then I have gone a little off track...only a little though! So, it is time to re set my targets! It is SO important to have something to work towards. I would like to loose 1/2 a stone in the next 6 weeks, which will be the end of my 2nd 8 week stint. This is very much do-able!

I am extremely happy with my weight at the moment and it has made such a difference, people commenting on how I look, clothes fitting better, feeling better etc. It's great! But I still have a little way to go. In fact, I probably could loose another stone however I want to set a realistic goal that I can work towards achieving.

I weighed myself yesterday and I have put on 1lb (phew! thought it would be more than that!) however I haven't lost anything in a couple of weeks so I definitely need to get my head back in the game.

I am down to 1 shake a day so I am having a healthy breakfast (usually Granola) a Juice Plus+ Shake for lunch, and a healthy meal in the evening. Along with a healthy snack mid afternoon. I haven't felt like I have needed more snacks which is nice as I was worried about going down to 1 snack a day. But it all works!

So, this week is all about re setting my goals and getting on it! I did a 2 hour workout this morning which was great. And I plan to workout again tomorrow and Thursday, and maybe a run at the weekend.

I am LOVING the Juice Plus+ products and I really can't recommend them enough. They have changed my life!

Stay healthy!


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