Sunday 30 June 2013

The Challenge - Monday

To help motivate my Juice Plus+ Customers I am starting a challenge week! I know a lot of people are eating well, taking the Juice Plus+ shakes/meal plan but struggling to get motivated with exercise.

As I explained in a previous blog, when I started the lifestyle changed I too struggled to get motivated. You have to understand how your brain and body works...look at what you enjoy and maximise on it. I find that home workouts are best for me. If I say to myself, I'm going for a run...chances are I won't do it....but if I take a home work out and think...I'll start with this...before long I am so into it I just can't stop! At the moment I am doing 2 hour long home workouts just because I am loving it so much!

So, the challenge! It's is for anyone who wants to just get into the healthy/fitness mode. Anyone can join in and I would really love it if you told me you were doing it! Facebook/email/twitter whatever works for you.

Each day I will post a different challenge. The idea is that these are for those people who want to get started with exercise so they aren't long workouts...but if you do want to keep going there are lots more workouts on my Facebook page.

Complete the below workout on whatever time suits you.....Good luck : )


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