Friday 21 June 2013

Juice Plus+ Products - The Shakes!

Here is some info on the Juice Plus+ Shakes which are called 'Juice Plus+ Complete'.

Most of my Juice Plus+ takers use these as meal supplements along with a calorie controlled diet. I have been using them for 6 weeks and have lost over a stone and everyone I know on them has seen amazing differences very quickly.

For weight loss, you take these twice a day along with a healthy meal in the evening and a couple of healthy snacks between meals.

What is in it?

Did you know that soy is not just an exceptional source of proteins but also of isoflavones? Isoflavone rich foods have been shown to have some benefit in helping to maintain women's health. One serving of Complete provides 24 mg of isoflavones.

Proteins are needed to build body tissues and other extremely important substances such as enzymes, antibodies and hormones. The protein content of Juice PLUS+® Complete is exclusively of vegetable origin (non GM soya, tofu, rice and chickpea) of high biological value.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy and sugars are a form of carbohydrates. Today foods containing carbohydrates can be evaluated according to their Glycaemic Index (GI). GI's range from low to high. Low GI foods generally break down slowly, helping to provide steady energy release and better balanced blood sugar, and thus are recommended in the diet. Juice PLUS+® Complete contains carbohydrates which have a low glycaemic index. The carbohydrate in Complete comes from fructose, maltodextrins, inulin and oligosaccharides from fructose.

Fibre has a great role in nutrition. It helps to maintain a healthy digestive system, which is important to maintain overall general health and well-being. Juice PLUS+® Complete contains fibre of natural origin,
among which are oat and rice bran, cellulose, pectin and dried apple peel. One portion of Juice PLUS+® Complete Vanilla made up with skimmed milk provides 3.7g of fibre. While Chocolate Complete contains 4.5g of fibre when mixed with skimmed milk.

Juice PLUS+® original powders
The Juice PLUS+® Complete formula is the only nutritional beverage containing the Juice PLUS+® 17 different fruits and vegetables juice powders, providing the added benefit of the phytonutrients found in the powders.

Juice PLUS+® Complete brings a new dimension to our everyday nutritional habits and thanks to its convenience it is particularly suitable for busy people!

Once you are at a happy weight (or if you already are) you can use Juice Plus+ Compltete in addition to your usual nutrition at breakfast, as a snack or as an energising drink.

As well as weight loss, Juice Plus+ is really popular with Sports people.
Used as a pre-exercise energy drink: Juice PLUS+® Complete contains carbohydrates which have a low glycaemic index and can assist in longer, more intense workouts. It is ideal as a post-workout recovery drink: replenish your energy levels after exercise with Juice PLUS+® Complete's balance of
carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

If you would like to contact me to find out more information please email me or visit my Facebook page.

To find out info on other Juice Plus+ products such as the capsules and chewables, click here.

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