Monday 24 June 2013

Week 7


I woke up today to a lovely surprise of an extra 6lbs lost : ) I didn't weigh myself last week as I seemed to have got stuck on the same weight for a couple of weeks so I thought I'd wait a little...6lbs lighter! wohoo!

Last week I ate very well however only managed to do 2 exercise sessions. So my aim this week is to fit in at least 4! Without fail! I had a really busy and tiring week last week and by Sunday I was actually dieing to indulge!!

When I say indulge....I don't crave the naughty things I used to crave on a indulging Sunday...before it was cookies..cupcakes....doughnuts... Anything sweet! But I just crave lots of food...but healthy food! It's a very strange thing to crave healthy foods....weirdo!

So yesterday (Sunday) I had my usual shakes in the morning/ lunch and in the evening I had Roast Lamb! I am salivating at the thought! Roast lamb, lots of veg like carrots, peppers, onion, parsnip, courgette..and boiled potatoes. Yum! Yum! Yum!

I also felt very much in need of a nice relaxing alcoholic drink, so I went for a gin and tonic (one of the more healthier drink options). Apparently, vodka and soda water is a 0 calorie drink, haven't tried that yet though.

For pudding I had blueberries and strawberries with Greek yogurt along with some melon.

What a great meal! I wasn't stuffed though which was nice, just felt complete : )

Looking forward to this week as I have more time to exercise and plan and research some different yummy meals.

I have also had a lot of people sign up to Juice Plus+ over the weekend so I am really glad my health craze is inspiring people! If you haven't already, join my Facebook page to keep inspired/motivated.

Stay healthy!


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