Monday 10 June 2013

Week 5 - Monday

So I have been using Juice Plus+ for 5 weeks now...and I love it! I have lost a stone since I begun the detox (2 weeks prior to starting) and am overall feeling a lot healthier : )

I thought it would be a good idea to keep a diary - so I can keep track but also so I can hopefully motivate some people to join me!

So, today! Monday...beginning of the week...

I woke up and straight away had a glass of water. The benefits of that first glass of water in the morning are purifies the colon to make it easier to absorb nutrients...increases the production of new blood and muscle cells...helps with weight loss, 16 ounces of chilled water first thing in the morning can increase your metabolism by 24%, gives you glowing skin and balances your lymph system (the glands that help you perform daily functions, balance your body fluids and fight infection).

After taking my Juice Plus+ Capsuals (2 fruit blend, 2 vegetable blend) I prepared my breakfast...which I have to say was the yummiest thing ever! I blended together ice soya milk, Juice Plus+ Complete Chocolate powder, handful of blueberries and a tasty!

Feeling fired up already I went to get ready for my workout...I always like to leave a little time between breakfast and my workout to allow my breakfast to settle..but about 1/2 hour later I was ready to go!

I was in the mood for cardio this morning so I followed some of my more cardio based workouts. I do most of my workouts from home, although do go for a run round the park every few days. I really like working out from home as it doesn't feel like so much of an effort to do...and you don't have to worry about who is watching you sweat!

Here are a couple of the workouts I combined this morning:

When I started exercising I just started by simply doing one of these and my plan was to do that for a week, every day. However, I very quickly got the 'exercise bug' and ended up doing lots of different workouts and combining them. I usually work out for about an hour/hour and half 4-5 times a week.

I then followed the above with some weights...I am trying to tone up my arms in particular however today I did an all over workout...

I then finished off with the top 'burn 100 calories right now' workout...just because I was craving more cardio!

I did a lot more than usual today because I was naughty last week and didn't do as much exercise...but I was also just very much raring to go this morning. SO much energy it's unbelievable!

After the workout (throughout which I drank  ALOT of water) I had an orange, along with a green tea! About mid morning (11am?) I usually have a snack of some I had an apple!

For lunch I will have another Juice Plus+ Complete shake...I'm planning vanilla & raspberries.

There will be a mid afternoon snack of some kind...I'm thinking nuts and raisins will go down nicely! And for dinner tonight...Mackerel and vegetables!

Yum yum yum!

Have fun and let me know if you choose to do any of the fun workouts above! I want to know I'm not alone!


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