Wednesday 26 June 2013

The Results

Below are some pictures of people's success stories whilst using the Juice Plus+ Products. They have helped s many people including myself! Starting on Juice Plus has made such a massive difference in my life...from feeling healthier...looking better...and feeling good within!

Lets start with my own success story. The first pic was taken on 3rd April 2013...I started my detox on the 15th April and stayed on that for a little while before going on to the Shakes and Capsules. This second picture was taken 6 weeks (1 week ago) and I will be uploading another one next week.

Here is one for the guys!

One for the yummy mummies!

First picture was taken in November 2012 whilst still pregnant. 2nd photo is is February until now! Amazing progress.

Results of the capsules/skin complexion..

For more info take a look at the website. Join me on Facebook. Or send me an email!


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