Wednesday 12 June 2013


I have been using the below meals alongside my Juice Plus+ shakes (2 a day with a healthy meal in the evening). I feel amazing and have discovered a new love for food! I don't even crave the bad things any more, I just crave yummy goodness!

Take a look at the recipes below, these are my favourites. I have made a few notes to go with them...

Portabella Sandwich Stack with Sweet Potato Chips
4 Portabella Caps
2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
1 boneless, skinless chicken cutlet, cooked (and cut into two pieces)
2 slices of tomato
1/2 cup fresh spinach leaves
2 slices cooked turkey bacon, or bacon of choice
3 tablespoons guacomole
- Scoop out the gills and stem gently from the underside of the mushrooms.
- Heat coconut oil in a skillet and cook mushrooms for about 3-5 minutes on
each side or until the mushrooms turn golden brown on the top and become
-Remove the mushrooms from the pan.
- On one mushroom, pile on cooked chicken, turkey bacon, tomato, spinach,
and 1 ½ tbsp guacamole. Top with the other mushroom.
- Repeat with other mushrooms. Then cut in half or eat whole, and enjoy!

This has got to be my favourite meal! Soooo yummy! N.B. Don't forget the Sweet Potato Chips!!!

Stuffed Peppers
This was really yummy too! It looks like it needs something to go with it but it doesn't! There is anough going on inside the pepper!

Clean Curry
1 large onion
6 garlic cloves roughly chopped
50g ginger roughly chopped
4 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds
5cm cinnamon stick
1 tsp chilli flakes
1tsp garam masala
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp honey
400g chopped tomatoes
8 chicken thighs, skinned, boneless (about 800g)
250ml hot chicken stock
2 tbsp chopped corriander

Roughly chop the onion, transfer to a small food processor and add 3 tablespoons of water - process to a slack paste. You could use a stick blender for this or coarsely grate the onion into a bowl (there is no need to add any water if you are grating the onion). Tip into a small bowl and leave on one side.

Put the chopped garlic and ginger into the same food processor and add 4 tbsp of water - process until smooth and spoon into another small bowl. Alternatively, crush the garlic to a paste with a knife or a gralic press and finely grate the ginger.

Heat the oil in a wok or sturdy pan set over a medium heat. Combine the cumin and fennel seeds with the cinnamon and chilli flakes and add to the pan in one go. Swirl everything around for about 30 seconds until the spices release a fragrant aroma. 

Add the onion paste - it will splutter in the beginning. Fry until the water evaporates and the onion turns to a lovely dark golden - this should take about 7-8 minutes. Add the garlic and ginger paste and cook for another 2 mins, stirring all the time.

Stir in the garam masala, turmeric and honey and continue cooking for 20 secs before tipping in the tomatoes. Continue cooking on a medium heat for about 10 mins without a lid until the tomatoes reduce and darken.

Cut the chicken thighs into 3cm chunks and add to the pan once the tomatoes have thickened to a paste. Cook for 5 mins to coast the chicken in masala and seal in the juices, and then pour over the hot chicken stock. Simmer for 8-10 mins without a lid until the chicken is tender and the masala lightly thickened. You might need to add an extra ladleful of stock or water if the curry needs it. Sprinkle with chopped coriander and serve.

Love this dish! So when you are next craving a curry...go for this one! A clean curry : ) I had it without any carbs and I didn't think it really needed anything else? On my second time making this I used chicken breasts instead of thighs and much preferred it. There does seem to be a lot of chicken in the above ingredients but it did provide about 4 portions, if not more. 

Ingredients :
-1 zucchini
-1 eggplant
-1 red pepper
-1 onion
-3 garlic cloves
-2 tablespoons of herbes de provence (mixture of dried herbs: rosemary, basil, thyme, etc.)
-1 can of chopped tomatoes (400 grams)
-Olive oil
Instructions :
-Chop up zucchini, eggplant, red pepper, onion and garlic.
-Sauté zucchini and eggplant in olive oil. After a few minutes of cooking, add the red
pepper, onion, garlic and herbes de provence.
-Once the vegetables are all cooked, add the can of tomato and simmer under lowmedium

heat for 20 minutes.

I had this when I was on my detox stage of the Juice Plus+ plan. Before I actually tried this dish I was a little bit pessimistic about it...I'm very much a 'meat' person and a dish without meat scared me! However! It was lovely! I had it for dinner one evening and then again for lunch the next day (cold leftovers) Yum Yum Yum!

Salmon burgers
Ingredients (2 servings)
– 100 g smoked salmon
- 250 g salmon
- 1/2 (red) onion
- black pepper and salt
- a bit of fresh coriander
- cut the salmon and smoked salmon in little pieces (or cut shortly in a food
- put in a bowl together with the chopped onion and fresh chopped corander
and mix
- add the black pepper and a bit of salt
- make 2 burgers
- bake them in a non-stick pan for around 10 mins
- Serve

I have never really been that into fish however since starting this lifestyle change I have got rather hooked on it (excuse the pun...!) I usually have the above meal with 50g of brown rice.

I have really enjoyed my lifestyle change and am very much loving being a Juice Plus+ user. I feel amazing, so much energy and have already lost lot's of pounds (in weight). It is amazing waking up every day and feeling so healthy and raring to go. 

Enjoy the meals, would love to know what you think : )


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