Sunday 30 June 2013

The Challenge - Monday

To help motivate my Juice Plus+ Customers I am starting a challenge week! I know a lot of people are eating well, taking the Juice Plus+ shakes/meal plan but struggling to get motivated with exercise.

As I explained in a previous blog, when I started the lifestyle changed I too struggled to get motivated. You have to understand how your brain and body works...look at what you enjoy and maximise on it. I find that home workouts are best for me. If I say to myself, I'm going for a run...chances are I won't do it....but if I take a home work out and think...I'll start with this...before long I am so into it I just can't stop! At the moment I am doing 2 hour long home workouts just because I am loving it so much!

So, the challenge! It's is for anyone who wants to just get into the healthy/fitness mode. Anyone can join in and I would really love it if you told me you were doing it! Facebook/email/twitter whatever works for you.

Each day I will post a different challenge. The idea is that these are for those people who want to get started with exercise so they aren't long workouts...but if you do want to keep going there are lots more workouts on my Facebook page.

Complete the below workout on whatever time suits you.....Good luck : )


Wednesday 26 June 2013

The Results

Below are some pictures of people's success stories whilst using the Juice Plus+ Products. They have helped s many people including myself! Starting on Juice Plus has made such a massive difference in my life...from feeling healthier...looking better...and feeling good within!

Lets start with my own success story. The first pic was taken on 3rd April 2013...I started my detox on the 15th April and stayed on that for a little while before going on to the Shakes and Capsules. This second picture was taken 6 weeks (1 week ago) and I will be uploading another one next week.

Here is one for the guys!

One for the yummy mummies!

First picture was taken in November 2012 whilst still pregnant. 2nd photo is is February until now! Amazing progress.

Results of the capsules/skin complexion..

For more info take a look at the website. Join me on Facebook. Or send me an email!


Monday 24 June 2013

Week 7


I woke up today to a lovely surprise of an extra 6lbs lost : ) I didn't weigh myself last week as I seemed to have got stuck on the same weight for a couple of weeks so I thought I'd wait a little...6lbs lighter! wohoo!

Last week I ate very well however only managed to do 2 exercise sessions. So my aim this week is to fit in at least 4! Without fail! I had a really busy and tiring week last week and by Sunday I was actually dieing to indulge!!

When I say indulge....I don't crave the naughty things I used to crave on a indulging Sunday...before it was cookies..cupcakes....doughnuts... Anything sweet! But I just crave lots of food...but healthy food! It's a very strange thing to crave healthy foods....weirdo!

So yesterday (Sunday) I had my usual shakes in the morning/ lunch and in the evening I had Roast Lamb! I am salivating at the thought! Roast lamb, lots of veg like carrots, peppers, onion, parsnip, courgette..and boiled potatoes. Yum! Yum! Yum!

I also felt very much in need of a nice relaxing alcoholic drink, so I went for a gin and tonic (one of the more healthier drink options). Apparently, vodka and soda water is a 0 calorie drink, haven't tried that yet though.

For pudding I had blueberries and strawberries with Greek yogurt along with some melon.

What a great meal! I wasn't stuffed though which was nice, just felt complete : )

Looking forward to this week as I have more time to exercise and plan and research some different yummy meals.

I have also had a lot of people sign up to Juice Plus+ over the weekend so I am really glad my health craze is inspiring people! If you haven't already, join my Facebook page to keep inspired/motivated.

Stay healthy!


Friday 21 June 2013

Capsules and Chewables

The Juice Pus+ capsules and chewables are a convenient and inexpensive way to add more wholefood-based nutrition to your diet. They contains concentrated juice powders from 26 different fruit, vegetables and berries where each ingredient is specially selected to provide us with the widest possible range of nutritional benefits.

Juice PLUS+® is not a substitute for eating more fruits and vegetables - but it certainly helps bridge the gap between what we should eat and what we really eat. Include Juice PLUS+® as part of your healthy lifestyle to achieve optimal health.

The benefits can include: -
Increased Energy making it possible to train harder
Increased Recovery from training
Cleanse the liver
Reduce Stress (Cortisol)
Increase antioxidants
Improve Fatigue
Reduce Inflammation by 41%
Strengthen Hair & Nails
Reduce Tooth Decay & Gum Disease
Improve Skin Complex
Reduce risk of disease… Diabetes, Cancer, Heart etc

There have been SO many success stories from people taking the capsules and chewables from things such as getting rid of acne, helping with depression, skin problems (eczema/psoriasis), massively increased energy, people noticing that they dont get ill as often (lets focus on prevention of illness by improving your bodies nutrition intake rather than curing illness) and so many more. 

There are 3 different flavours:

Juice PLUS+® Fruit Blend is created from: apples, oranges, pineapple, peaches, cranberries, papaya, acerola cherry, dates and prunes.

Juice PLUS+® Vegetable Blend is: beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, kale, spinach,
parsley, garlic and tomato.

Juice PLUS+® Vineyard Blend contains: Concord grape, raspberry, blueberry,
redcurrant, cranberry, blackcurrant, blackberry,
elderberry and bilberry.

For those people who cannot or do not like to take capsules, the Juice PLUS+® Premium Soft Chewables
contain the Juice PLUS+® fruit, vegetables and berries powder blends in a delicious chewable format.

The Juice PLUS+® Fruit and Vegetable Soft Chewables are also a good solution for children,
who are able to benefit from the Juice PLUS+® powders more conveniently

To discuss the capsules and chewables further please email me or visit my Facebook Page. 

To find out info on other Juice Plus+ products such as the shakes, click here.

Juice Plus+ Products - The Shakes!

Here is some info on the Juice Plus+ Shakes which are called 'Juice Plus+ Complete'.

Most of my Juice Plus+ takers use these as meal supplements along with a calorie controlled diet. I have been using them for 6 weeks and have lost over a stone and everyone I know on them has seen amazing differences very quickly.

For weight loss, you take these twice a day along with a healthy meal in the evening and a couple of healthy snacks between meals.

What is in it?

Did you know that soy is not just an exceptional source of proteins but also of isoflavones? Isoflavone rich foods have been shown to have some benefit in helping to maintain women's health. One serving of Complete provides 24 mg of isoflavones.

Proteins are needed to build body tissues and other extremely important substances such as enzymes, antibodies and hormones. The protein content of Juice PLUS+® Complete is exclusively of vegetable origin (non GM soya, tofu, rice and chickpea) of high biological value.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy and sugars are a form of carbohydrates. Today foods containing carbohydrates can be evaluated according to their Glycaemic Index (GI). GI's range from low to high. Low GI foods generally break down slowly, helping to provide steady energy release and better balanced blood sugar, and thus are recommended in the diet. Juice PLUS+® Complete contains carbohydrates which have a low glycaemic index. The carbohydrate in Complete comes from fructose, maltodextrins, inulin and oligosaccharides from fructose.

Fibre has a great role in nutrition. It helps to maintain a healthy digestive system, which is important to maintain overall general health and well-being. Juice PLUS+® Complete contains fibre of natural origin,
among which are oat and rice bran, cellulose, pectin and dried apple peel. One portion of Juice PLUS+® Complete Vanilla made up with skimmed milk provides 3.7g of fibre. While Chocolate Complete contains 4.5g of fibre when mixed with skimmed milk.

Juice PLUS+® original powders
The Juice PLUS+® Complete formula is the only nutritional beverage containing the Juice PLUS+® 17 different fruits and vegetables juice powders, providing the added benefit of the phytonutrients found in the powders.

Juice PLUS+® Complete brings a new dimension to our everyday nutritional habits and thanks to its convenience it is particularly suitable for busy people!

Once you are at a happy weight (or if you already are) you can use Juice Plus+ Compltete in addition to your usual nutrition at breakfast, as a snack or as an energising drink.

As well as weight loss, Juice Plus+ is really popular with Sports people.
Used as a pre-exercise energy drink: Juice PLUS+® Complete contains carbohydrates which have a low glycaemic index and can assist in longer, more intense workouts. It is ideal as a post-workout recovery drink: replenish your energy levels after exercise with Juice PLUS+® Complete's balance of
carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

If you would like to contact me to find out more information please email me or visit my Facebook page.

To find out info on other Juice Plus+ products such as the capsules and chewables, click here.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

My Juice Plus+ Story So Far...

I first heard about Juice Plus+ through a friend. I saw the amazing results she was getting and I was instantly interested! It took me a bit of time before I actually made the move to change my lifestyle. I was cautious of things like Will it work for me? Will I stick to it? Will I be able to afford it? Well, I can now safely say it was the best decision I ever made!

I have always been a size 10-12 and although interested in eating healthily and exercising, never that motivated. I also had a lot of issues with my energy. I would often find myself completely lacking in energy and I would often get dizzy spells.

So, I decided to make that change! I am quite an organised person and I really enjoyed reading all the information that was sent to me and planning my meals for the first week. The first couple of weeks were a detox stage however it's not what you's not starving yourself or drinking only liquids, it is just simply eating healthily! I really enjoyed this process although to be honest I did get a little obsessed with the recipes and probably spent a lot more money on food then I needed to! I was having a fancy healthy recipe every night when infact a simple fish, vegetables and boiled potatoes would have done!

In the detox stage I didn't actually do any regular exercise. Although I did feel great from eating so healthily I still wasn't brain motivated  - I struggle with this! Once I get going I'm really into it but it takes me a while to get exercise mad! The detox stage was great. It was just simply re-training your diet to be healthy, understanding what foods are good etc. I lost 6lbs in the 2 weeks I was on detox. Result!

When my Juice Plus+ Capsules and shakes arrived I waited until a Monday to start as Monday is my day off so I knew I would have time each week to assess how I was doing, re-plan my meals etc.

I have to say this first day was actually really difficult. I had my morning shake (Vanilla, Soya Milk and Blueberries) it was lovely. I also took the Capsules, great. I had a morning snack (oatcakes and avocado), lunch (Shake of banana and choc), afternoon snack (nuts and raisins) and for dinner I had the Portabello Mushroom recipe (listed in my Healthy Recipes section) which was ridiculously yummy! So I ate well....but when it got to the evening I struggled.....I just wanted to keep eating!!!!!!! I text my friend Allan who is also on the diet and had been for a few weeks and he said just keep drinking water and you will get through it, it's just your body getting used to it all. And he was right. I powered through and I literally haven't had a single hard day since. The beauty of this diet is that you are not starving yourself, you are eating regularly and healthily so you never go hungry.

After a week I had got in the swing of the eating side and I was shedding pounds however there was something missing...exercise! I was very aware that my body was changing and I didn't want to end up with any loose ends : ) to make my brain exercise motivated.... I had seen a lot of home workouts posted on the Juice Plus+ group and I noticed alot of them were based around situps and jumping jacks, so as I work at home on a Wednesday I thought I would set myself a challenge (as I knew my brain would react to this!) I decided every hour on the hour I would do 30 situps and 30 jumping jacks. It was immense!!!!! I was feeling amazing by the end of the day, shattered but amazing....and I did have to work an extra half hour as it actually took up a fair bit of time lol But that was it, brain engaged....lets workout!!

About 3-4 mornings a week I am following some of the home workouts and working out for about an hour and a half (getting up early!). I started with just doing 1 workout like this:

But then I wanted more!!! So I now combine them, like this for example:

I am totally in the workout mode!

Now in my 6th week, I have lost over a stone. I am loving food (healthy food), and I am LOVING exercise!!!!

I am a little nervous about putting up my before and after (well mid way) pic...but hopefully below will give you an idea.

This is a pic of me taken before Juice Plus+ (I know it's not an underwear one but you get the idea)

and this is me this week, on a video shoot.

My energy levels are amazing, I never get my dizzy spells any more and my make up artist (I'm a performer) has commented on how different and amazing my skin is. RESULT!

I have still got further to go to reach my goal but I am totally in the Juice Plus+ flow and loving it. I think even when I have finished the plan I will keep it in my life as it is amazing.

My advice to anyone on it would be:

Be strong - stick to it, it's so worth it!!!
If you do have to have time off the plan then make it work...last weekend I went on a hen do, so there was no time for shakes however I kept up with the capsules, drank mainly gin and tonics (the healthiest alcoholic drink I could find!) and chose my meals with my healthy head on. I thought I would be a lot more naughty and take the time to pig out a little, but I actually didn't want naughty foods. I craved goodness!

Don't compare yourself to others. This was my main issue. I was seeing all these success stories and thinking, she's lost a stone in 2 weeks, why haven't I??? Everyone looses weight in different ways. Look at how it is working for you, you will definitely see results!!!

Don't obsess over numbers/inches. Weigh yourself every 1-2 weeks. Make sure it is first thing in the morning, straight after a wee! Make sure you are wearing the same outfit/or nothing each week. And make sure your scales are on a flat surface and in the same area each week. The other day I weighed myself in a different room in my house and it said something different to what it did in the kitchen!!??? It was only a matter of a couple of lbs but it did make me panic!

Understand how YOU work! If you are not the kind of person who likes going out for a run, then don't! Start with some home workouts! I am this person....I started with home workouts and now I actually enjoy going out for a run...mad eh!?

I am now working for Juice Plus+ because I find it so inspiring and I want to help people like it has helped me. I have a page on Facebook if you would like to check it out or get in touch : )

Stay healthy!


Wednesday 12 June 2013


I have been using the below meals alongside my Juice Plus+ shakes (2 a day with a healthy meal in the evening). I feel amazing and have discovered a new love for food! I don't even crave the bad things any more, I just crave yummy goodness!

Take a look at the recipes below, these are my favourites. I have made a few notes to go with them...

Portabella Sandwich Stack with Sweet Potato Chips
4 Portabella Caps
2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
1 boneless, skinless chicken cutlet, cooked (and cut into two pieces)
2 slices of tomato
1/2 cup fresh spinach leaves
2 slices cooked turkey bacon, or bacon of choice
3 tablespoons guacomole
- Scoop out the gills and stem gently from the underside of the mushrooms.
- Heat coconut oil in a skillet and cook mushrooms for about 3-5 minutes on
each side or until the mushrooms turn golden brown on the top and become
-Remove the mushrooms from the pan.
- On one mushroom, pile on cooked chicken, turkey bacon, tomato, spinach,
and 1 ½ tbsp guacamole. Top with the other mushroom.
- Repeat with other mushrooms. Then cut in half or eat whole, and enjoy!

This has got to be my favourite meal! Soooo yummy! N.B. Don't forget the Sweet Potato Chips!!!

Stuffed Peppers
This was really yummy too! It looks like it needs something to go with it but it doesn't! There is anough going on inside the pepper!

Clean Curry
1 large onion
6 garlic cloves roughly chopped
50g ginger roughly chopped
4 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds
5cm cinnamon stick
1 tsp chilli flakes
1tsp garam masala
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp honey
400g chopped tomatoes
8 chicken thighs, skinned, boneless (about 800g)
250ml hot chicken stock
2 tbsp chopped corriander

Roughly chop the onion, transfer to a small food processor and add 3 tablespoons of water - process to a slack paste. You could use a stick blender for this or coarsely grate the onion into a bowl (there is no need to add any water if you are grating the onion). Tip into a small bowl and leave on one side.

Put the chopped garlic and ginger into the same food processor and add 4 tbsp of water - process until smooth and spoon into another small bowl. Alternatively, crush the garlic to a paste with a knife or a gralic press and finely grate the ginger.

Heat the oil in a wok or sturdy pan set over a medium heat. Combine the cumin and fennel seeds with the cinnamon and chilli flakes and add to the pan in one go. Swirl everything around for about 30 seconds until the spices release a fragrant aroma. 

Add the onion paste - it will splutter in the beginning. Fry until the water evaporates and the onion turns to a lovely dark golden - this should take about 7-8 minutes. Add the garlic and ginger paste and cook for another 2 mins, stirring all the time.

Stir in the garam masala, turmeric and honey and continue cooking for 20 secs before tipping in the tomatoes. Continue cooking on a medium heat for about 10 mins without a lid until the tomatoes reduce and darken.

Cut the chicken thighs into 3cm chunks and add to the pan once the tomatoes have thickened to a paste. Cook for 5 mins to coast the chicken in masala and seal in the juices, and then pour over the hot chicken stock. Simmer for 8-10 mins without a lid until the chicken is tender and the masala lightly thickened. You might need to add an extra ladleful of stock or water if the curry needs it. Sprinkle with chopped coriander and serve.

Love this dish! So when you are next craving a curry...go for this one! A clean curry : ) I had it without any carbs and I didn't think it really needed anything else? On my second time making this I used chicken breasts instead of thighs and much preferred it. There does seem to be a lot of chicken in the above ingredients but it did provide about 4 portions, if not more. 

Ingredients :
-1 zucchini
-1 eggplant
-1 red pepper
-1 onion
-3 garlic cloves
-2 tablespoons of herbes de provence (mixture of dried herbs: rosemary, basil, thyme, etc.)
-1 can of chopped tomatoes (400 grams)
-Olive oil
Instructions :
-Chop up zucchini, eggplant, red pepper, onion and garlic.
-Sauté zucchini and eggplant in olive oil. After a few minutes of cooking, add the red
pepper, onion, garlic and herbes de provence.
-Once the vegetables are all cooked, add the can of tomato and simmer under lowmedium

heat for 20 minutes.

I had this when I was on my detox stage of the Juice Plus+ plan. Before I actually tried this dish I was a little bit pessimistic about it...I'm very much a 'meat' person and a dish without meat scared me! However! It was lovely! I had it for dinner one evening and then again for lunch the next day (cold leftovers) Yum Yum Yum!

Salmon burgers
Ingredients (2 servings)
– 100 g smoked salmon
- 250 g salmon
- 1/2 (red) onion
- black pepper and salt
- a bit of fresh coriander
- cut the salmon and smoked salmon in little pieces (or cut shortly in a food
- put in a bowl together with the chopped onion and fresh chopped corander
and mix
- add the black pepper and a bit of salt
- make 2 burgers
- bake them in a non-stick pan for around 10 mins
- Serve

I have never really been that into fish however since starting this lifestyle change I have got rather hooked on it (excuse the pun...!) I usually have the above meal with 50g of brown rice.

I have really enjoyed my lifestyle change and am very much loving being a Juice Plus+ user. I feel amazing, so much energy and have already lost lot's of pounds (in weight). It is amazing waking up every day and feeling so healthy and raring to go. 

Enjoy the meals, would love to know what you think : )


Monday 10 June 2013

Week 5 - Monday

So I have been using Juice Plus+ for 5 weeks now...and I love it! I have lost a stone since I begun the detox (2 weeks prior to starting) and am overall feeling a lot healthier : )

I thought it would be a good idea to keep a diary - so I can keep track but also so I can hopefully motivate some people to join me!

So, today! Monday...beginning of the week...

I woke up and straight away had a glass of water. The benefits of that first glass of water in the morning are purifies the colon to make it easier to absorb nutrients...increases the production of new blood and muscle cells...helps with weight loss, 16 ounces of chilled water first thing in the morning can increase your metabolism by 24%, gives you glowing skin and balances your lymph system (the glands that help you perform daily functions, balance your body fluids and fight infection).

After taking my Juice Plus+ Capsuals (2 fruit blend, 2 vegetable blend) I prepared my breakfast...which I have to say was the yummiest thing ever! I blended together ice soya milk, Juice Plus+ Complete Chocolate powder, handful of blueberries and a tasty!

Feeling fired up already I went to get ready for my workout...I always like to leave a little time between breakfast and my workout to allow my breakfast to settle..but about 1/2 hour later I was ready to go!

I was in the mood for cardio this morning so I followed some of my more cardio based workouts. I do most of my workouts from home, although do go for a run round the park every few days. I really like working out from home as it doesn't feel like so much of an effort to do...and you don't have to worry about who is watching you sweat!

Here are a couple of the workouts I combined this morning:

When I started exercising I just started by simply doing one of these and my plan was to do that for a week, every day. However, I very quickly got the 'exercise bug' and ended up doing lots of different workouts and combining them. I usually work out for about an hour/hour and half 4-5 times a week.

I then followed the above with some weights...I am trying to tone up my arms in particular however today I did an all over workout...

I then finished off with the top 'burn 100 calories right now' workout...just because I was craving more cardio!

I did a lot more than usual today because I was naughty last week and didn't do as much exercise...but I was also just very much raring to go this morning. SO much energy it's unbelievable!

After the workout (throughout which I drank  ALOT of water) I had an orange, along with a green tea! About mid morning (11am?) I usually have a snack of some I had an apple!

For lunch I will have another Juice Plus+ Complete shake...I'm planning vanilla & raspberries.

There will be a mid afternoon snack of some kind...I'm thinking nuts and raisins will go down nicely! And for dinner tonight...Mackerel and vegetables!

Yum yum yum!

Have fun and let me know if you choose to do any of the fun workouts above! I want to know I'm not alone!
