Tuesday 22 April 2014

My Story Update

If you have followed my blog so far you will know I started the Juice Plus products last year, a year ago this month in fact! I fell in love with them very quickly as most people do and religiously stuck to the program for the first 8 weeks. I loved the feeling of being healthy, you feel so clean and so light…I was addicted to it! After my first 8 weeks I treated myself to a pizza and some wine….oh my god did I regret it! I felt disgusting!!!!! I instantly regretted it however I do think it is very important to treat yourself every now and then. It also helps to remind you how great it is to be healthy.

After the 2nd part of the Juice Plus Fatloss program I found myself at a good weight and I was so happy with my progress. I still had more I wanted to loose but I no longer had to worry about finding an outfit when going out (I used to take ages and clothes got thrown all over the floor) but now everything fitted!

I really enjoy being at a good weight and am still loving the Juice Plus products now. I take the Vineyard Capsules daily and use the Complete shakes. At the moment I have gone back on to 2 a day as I put on a little bit of weight over Christmas which I still have not shifted! I am loving using the shakes again, makes meal planning so much easier and they are so yummy!

I have learnt a lot over my journey. I used to have frequent dizzy spells and get really tired easily however I haven't had a single dizzy spell since starting my healthy routine. I have also learnt about exercise. You will read in my past blogs how I think that it is important to understand how you work, and use that. I still think this…I used to hate exercise and the above pictures were achieved with very little exercise however I found even though I had lost the weight and the inches, I wasn't as toned as I would have liked to be. I used to not push myself as hard as I should have because I thought it would put me off. Well, as I said I still agree that understanding yourself and how you work/what you can do is very important, but it is also important to push yourself and give yourself a challenge. I have recently started the Insanity workout…it is crazy! I never in a million years thought I would be able to or even want to do a workout like that. I love it and every morning I wake up wanting to exercise! So my advice is, don't be afraid to push yourself.

Not only do I have Juice Plus to thank for health and weightloss, but also for teaching me about nutrition and diet. The Fatloss program comes with a great Meal Plan and advice document which has actually changed my life. The whole idea of the program is that it is a lifestyle change not a diet and that is exactly what it is. It makes you question things and really think about what you are putting into your temple that is your body : )

And now I work for Juice Plus too, spreading my story with others and telling them about the products. I have gained a lot from just one decision a year ago to get healthier!

For more information on the products you can visit my website or email me. And for fabulous healthy recipe ideas, take a look at my Facebook album.

Any questions no matter how big or small are very much welcomed.

Much love,


  1. Hi,
    just wanted to let you know that I love your blog:) I am just starting with juice plus myself and I will also do a 8 week program... my blog is : www.imakeyouhealthy.wordpress.com , it would be so cool if you could check out my blog and maybe join me on my program:) stay healthy xx Luisa

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