Wednesday 18 September 2013

My Diary Update

So, it's been a while since I have done an update on my Juice Plus+ journey so I thought today would be a good day to start. First of all, I am not very well today, a little under the weather...which I am quite shocked about. Since starting the Juice Plus lifestyle back in April I haven't been ill once! And for me that is pretty amazing as I used to be ill quite often. So it feels very weird to be unwell. But I know why I am, I have been working very hard and not getting much sleep. What has been amazing whist I have been ill is that I have had no appetite, but I have kept taking my Juice Plus shakes/capsules as I figured I had to eat something, and why not let it be something really good for you. I have also been having lots of Oranges to up my vitamin C. Would you believe it, I am actually feeling ALOT better! I spent all day yesterday in bed and this morning chilling of the sofa, and this afternoon I feel pretty much back to normal! I know a lot of people who have had this flu thing that I have got and for anyone reading this I would just say, rest up and stay eating healthy!

Any way, on to my Juice Plus journey. I started back in April and it has literally changed my life as I have said in past blogs. I can't believe I ate as unhealthily as I did and also how easy it is to be healthy! After completing the first 16weeks of the Juice Plus lifestyle change, taking the capsules and having the shakes, I lost just under 2 stone. I feel amazing and it is great having clothes that actually fit me! I now should be on the 3rd stage if the plan which takes you back to healthy eating however I decided to stay on the shakes as I still have another stone I'd like to loose. I am a bit looser on the diet now in that if I need to have an off day (party/lunch out etc) I will.

A few things that struck me this morning which I thought I'd write about...some advice for those on the Juice Plus plan (or just people loosing weight).

1. Exercise (don't get on...) When my clients enquiry about Juice Plus they always ask me 'Does it work without exercise?'. It really does! BUT!  I really advise that you should exercise with the reason is that it does make you feel amazing! You will find you have a lot more energy when you eat healthy and use the Juice Plus project so you will have energy you want to burn. It doesn't have to be much if you don't have time or don't want to. 15 minutes a day is a lot better than an hour workout every so often. Get into a schedule! But my main reason I wanted to mention exercise is....if I had done more of the exercise as I was loosing the weight it would have toned me as I lost the weight. I have a bit of an issue now in that I have lost the weight...but I'm not toned! I especially notice it in my arms and have been going mad on the Kettlebell workout recently. So that's something I would really stress to people. It's great that you are loosing weight, but stay on top of the exercise! Even if its just 30 squats, 20 sit ups, set of arm work outs etc. Just do something!

2. Clothing. Like I said it has been great having my clothes fit me better and also fitting back into clothes I haven't worn in a while. One thing I realised the other day....I was on holiday in Spain and I was wearing some black high waisted shorts with a vest top. Every time I walked past a shop window I would look at myself (as you do!) and think...why do I look so big? I know I am physically smaller...but I look big? I then realised that my shorts were two sizes too big for me!! And they were really baggy around the high waist! I have now noticed that I have a lot of clothes that I wear on an everyday basis that are way too big for me! I need to get a new wardrobe. I have been putting it off until I get down to my target size but I'm thinking I'm just going to do it now as it is no fun looking at yourself in baggy clothes!

3. Don't let yourself cheat too soon. When I started the Juice Plus lifestyle I was extremely dedicated and actually didn't take any of the daddy cheats for the first 8 weeks. It was difficult but I powered through and I got results. A few of my clients are allowing themselves to give in too soon and then finding it hard to get back on track. I really think it is a good idea to be as dedicated as possible in those first 8 weeks. It is really important! Obviously don't become a bore! There are ways you can still be healthy when you go out for dinner..have a BBQ etc. And if you want to have a big drinking night out, substituting wine/cider for Gin and Tonic is a great help! But I do think it is really important to give it your all from the word go. No point in doing half a job!

Anyway, just a little update from me. Hope you are loving Juice Plus like I am if you are on it! Take a like of my Facebook page if your interested in getting healthy!
